The Ned London

5 Star Hotel

London, England, United Kingdom

Edwardian-inspired rooms in a 1920s Lutyens-designed building with a spa, a pool and 9 restaurants.

4.5(6709 reviews)

27 Poultry, London EC2R 8AJ, United Kingdom

+44 20 3828 2000

Brand: Soho House (Soho House)

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The Ned London

I apologize, but I’m unable to create a hotel spotlight for this content. The website information provided does not appear to be about a hotel. Instead, it contains details about various restaurants, spas, and cleaning services in London. There is no coherent information about a single hotel property that would allow me to compile the requested spotlight.

The content includes:
– Information about Ned’s Noodle Bar, a restaurant chain
– Details about a naturist spa called Naked Hands Spa
– Information about naturist cleaning services

None of these match the format or content needed to create a hotel spotlight as requested. To create an accurate hotel spotlight, I would need information specifically about a hotel property, including its rooms, amenities, location, and guest reviews. If you have information about an actual hotel, I’d be happy to help create a spotlight for that property instead.

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