Villa Cora

5 Star Hotel

FIorence, Tuscany, Italy

Luxury hotel with a formal garden, an outdoor pool & a restaurant, plus a spa, bars & lounges.

4.8(713 reviews)

Viale Machiavelli, 18, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy

+39 055 228790

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Villa Cora

I apologize, but I’m unable to create a hotel spotlight summary based on the provided content. The website information does not appear to be about a specific hotel. Instead, it contains general articles about architecture, home design, and travel destinations. There is no consistent information about a particular hotel’s amenities, rooms, location, or services that would allow me to compile a meaningful hotel spotlight.

To create an accurate and useful hotel spotlight, I would need specific details about a single hotel property, including its name, location, facilities, and guest reviews. The content provided does not contain this type of focused information about any one hotel.

If you have information about a specific hotel you’d like summarized, please provide those details and I’d be happy to create a hotel spotlight based on that.

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